CAMS Industry Call Terms & Conditions

CAMS 2025 Industry Call for Postdocs and PhDs  


The Community for Analytical Measurement Science (CAMS) is pleased to announce its 2025 Industry Call for Postdocs and PhDs.

  1. Introduction to CAMS

CAMS is an industry-led initiative aimed at promoting world-class analytical measurement science training, research and innovation by bringing together a network of industrial and academic partners with interests in these fields across the UK and Ireland. Our network is managed by an Executive Board, aided by other decision-making committees: The Industry Advisory Board (IAB), The Community Research and Innovation Network (MSI) and The Community Training Network (BEAM).

We are funded by our industry memberships, the Analytical Chemistry Trust Fund (ACTF) and  academic co-funding, alongside support from the Department for Science, Innovation & Technology.

As an industry led-network, CAMS works to address specific industry challenges in four priority areas:

  • Point of use sensors and photonics
  • Complex mixtures, separations and detection
  • Data analytics
  • Novel instrumentation or techniques.


  1. Purpose of CAMS 2025 Industry Call for Postdocs and PhDs

The purpose of this CAMS Call is to encourage research and innovation within the field of analytical measurement science to address listed industry challenges, or part thereof, across the CAMS priority areas. These challenges may be found at

Applicants and their academic institutions are expected to work closely with CAMS Industry Members throughout the duration of the award. Applications should align with at least one of CAMS’s priority areas.

This call is open and competitive; please note you do not need to be an existing member of CAMS to bid.

Funding is available for both PostDocs and PhDs (see Finances section for details), noting that all bidders are expected to secure co-funding.

Co-funding may be from a variety of sources; it is anticipated that the Applicant’s academic institution(s) will contribute ‘in-kind’ in some way.


  1. Who is Eligible?

We welcome applications from people of all backgrounds and are committed to making our application process accessible for everyone. There are no restrictions on Applicant age or nationality.

Applicants should be eligible to undertake an academic appointment within the British Isles - England, Scotland, Wales or Ireland (both Northern Ireland and Republic of Ireland).

It is expected that recipients of a CAMS award would reside and conduct their programme of work within the British Isles for the duration of the award.

Applications are encouraged from candidates who wish to re-establish themselves after a career break or other period of absence from active research. CAMS supports part-time and flexible working arrangements.


  1. Call Timetable



Industry project proposals and MSI Grand Challenges made public via the website

5 Sep 2024

CAMS Annual Conference & Networking Event

18 Sep 2024

Expression of Interest Deadline

20 Sep 2024

CAMS will connect you to allow further discussions between industry members and academics

From Sept 20 to Dec 9 2025

Clarifications question deadline

9 Dec 2024

Applications for Industry projects and MSI Challenges closes

16 Dec 2024

CAMS confirms and announces awards

3 Mar 2025


  1. Application Content & Format

Applications must be completed and submitted via the Project Proposal Form available through CAMS Website by 17:00HRS on Monday 16 December 2024. Submission by any other route shall not be accepted.

Applicants are strongly encouraged to ensure their application(s) clearly outline the:

  • The specific industry challenge which is being addressed
  • Start and End dates of the programme of work
  • Aim(s), Objective(s) and Research Description of the programme of work
  • How it will help address the identified industry challenge, or CAMS Grand Challenge or part thereof, through utility of technology(ies)/approach(es) addressing (at least) one of the CAMS priority areas
  • SMART Deliverables with associated timelines for their delivery
  • Short- and long-term Impact of the project on the UK and/or Irish analytical community and industry
  • Medium- to long-term Professional Development of the Applicant
  • Justification of (personnel and financial) Resources
  • Outline of Financial Contributions from the academic institution
  • A Statement outlining how the programme of work is compliant with the best standards of ethical and DEI practices
  • Details of how the project progress and outcomes will be disseminated
  • Details of how the recruitment of the PhD student/Postdoc will be managed from an inclusion and diversity perspective.
  • Letter(s) of support for their programme of work from their institution(s).


Clarification questions may be submitted to the CAMS Secretariat ( up to 17:00HRS on Monday 9 December 2024.


  1. Evaluation of Applications

An initial screen will be performed by a panel of measurement science professionals containing (at least) 2 industry and 2 academics from across the CAMS Industry Advisory Board (IAB) and The Community Research and Innovation Network (MSI). Only applications that meet the minimum standards will be considered for a CAMS Award.

Proposals will then be assessed by the panel based on the quality and innovation of the science, its impact om the analytical community and the opportunity for the professional development of the awardee.

In making its decision, CAMS will only evaluate the information provided by Applicants within their application to this call.

The CAMS Executive Board will review all recommended proposals and confirm awards.

Please note CAMS reserves the right to make no award.


  1. Finances

Each CAMS award will not exceed £45,000 in total, under any circumstances. CAMS awards are exempt from VAT.

Co-funding is therefore required. CAMS does not specify the duration of its awards. Co-funding may be from a variety of sources; however, it is anticipated that the Applicant’s academic institution(s) will contribute ‘in-kind’ in some way.

Payment will be made by BACS to the Awardee’s academic institution following receipt of an invoice to the CAMS Secretariat. Awardees’ institutions will be responsible for the disbursement of funds. For Post Docs, this is likely to be a single payment on completion of the award. For PhDs, this is likely to be annual, in advance.

Applicants are strongly encouraged to provide a full breakdown of costs and how the award would be used to cover these. CAMS awards should not be used to fund work permits, visas, immigration clearance or personal belongings. In consultation with CAMS, Awardees may be permitted to move money between expenditure categories during the course of their Award.

NOTE: Registration fees or overhead costs will not be paid


  1. Other Benefits

Successful Applicants (the individual only) will automatically receive Awardee Membership to CAMS for the duration of their award, allowing the Awardee to actively participate in CAMS meetings and events.

Awardees shall also have access to the following benefits for the duration of their award:

  • Invited attendance and presentation/exhibition opportunities at CAMS events
  • Promotion of their work and their institution’s skills/expertise via CAMS website and social media channels
  • Engagement with CAMS Industry and Academic members
  • Access to CAMS network resources including webinars, best practice guides, showcase and educational


  1. Progress, Impact and Expenditure Reporting

A CAMS Awardee is required to provide the CAMS Secretariat with, and to participate in, the following as part of the award agreement: 

  • a 6-monthly report summarising progress and achievement against the programme of work detailed in their application
  • an annual statement of expenditure, through their institution
  • a Final Report within 3 months of the end of their award detailing the outcomes, impact and benefits of their award.
  • Awardees and other Institutions involved in a CAMS Award shall acknowledge the support of the CAMS and ACTF when applicable in all publications, presentations, posters, and other materials resulting from a CAMS Awards

CAMS awardees are expected to actively engage and participate in CAMS activities, including contributing to, and presenting their work at, in-person and virtual meetings, webinars, conferences and other events.

Failure to comply with these requirements may result in funding being withheld.


  1. Variation and Termination

In the event that an Awardee is for any reason unable to conduct the programme of work as described in their award proposal, CAMS Secretariat shall be notified as soon as practically possible, and ideally with at least one month’s notice. Revisions and/or substitutions  would need to be discussed and approved with CAMS.

In the event of maternity, paternity, adoption, parental or sick leave on the part of the Awardee, no additional funds will be paid; however the timing and duration of the award may be amended at the discretion of CAMS.

If a CAMS Awardee transfers to another academic institution before the beginning or during the Award, CAMS expects the award to transfer with the Awardee to the new institution. Agreement for this is required from the transferring institution, receiving institution and CAMS.

If an Awardee intends to transfer before or during a CAMS award to an organisation outside of the British Isles - England, Scotland, Wales or Ireland (both Northern Ireland and Republic of Ireland), CAMS shall be notified as soon as possible. Each circumstance will be reviewed by the CAMS Executive Board on a case-by-case basis; however, the award is likely to be terminated and all uncommitted funds returned to CAMS.

Any CAMS Awardee whose progress is not in keeping with their programme of work described in their application, or whose conduct does not satisfy CAMS, may have their award terminated.

CAMS reserves the right to terminate an award at any time, subject to reasonable notice and to recover any over-payment or to pay outstanding and unavoidable commitments.


  1. Miscellaneous

CAMS Awardees should seek to publish the results of their award in accordance with normal academic practice. The Awardee and their academic institution shall acknowledge the support of CAMS and ACTF when applicable in all publications and materials resulting from the Award.

CAMS makes no claim to the intellectual property rights arising from a CAMS award.

CAMS accepts no responsibility, financial or otherwise, for expenditure by the Awardee or their academic institution in addition to the CAMS award, or liability - financial or otherwise - arising from the CAMS award. 

The decision of CAMS is final.

CAMS reserves the right to change or add to these terms and conditions from time to time for substantive reasons in order to assist the proper delivery of the Call.


  1. Point of Contact

Please email the CAMS Secretariat ( with any queries about CAMS Call 2025.