Is Separation Science in the UK on life support?

State of Separation Science Day

Is Separation Science in the UK on life support?

Separation Science is a frontline measurement tool in academia and across the chemical and bio industries. For the UK to remain competitive globally, we must address the state of teaching and research for separation science in the UK.

In June 2023 The Community of Analytical Science (CAMS), the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) and The Chromatographic Society (ChromSoc) organised the event ‘The State of Separation Science in the UK' with the aim of identifying, with the help of prominent UK and international experts in Separation Science, specific actions that the Separation Science community can take to rectify the situation and address future needs. The event highlighted recommendations and requirements for the field with a view to encourage policy dialogue with funding and other bodies.

The morning session consisted of a series of presentations reflecting on the current state of UK separation science and included international researchers who can provide insight into their countries’ thriving separation science communities.

The afternoon session, attendees participated in a workshop to discuss questions, brainstorm ideas, identify problems and develop solutions to improve the state of Separation Science in the UK.

Since then we are reaching out to the community and gathering feedback. Informative sessions have taken place in the SINs Conference 2023 and REID Bio Analytical Forum 2023. 

If you would like to contribute to the discussion you can contact the CAMS secretariat or leave comments on the Jamboards. (See top left to access Jamboards)


CAMS would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your attendance and participation in our State of Separation Science event. 

 We saw over 90 participants join, the majority in person. There was some amazing discussions taking place throughout the day. 

The presentation recording can be found The State of Separation Science Recording .



Time in recording

Welcome & Introduction

Melissa Hanna-Brown


Setting the scene

John Langley


Do we still need Separation Science specialists in the UK?

Paul Ferguson


Where are the needs in the future

Melissa Hanna-Brown


Separation Science in the UK Academic system

Andrew Pitt


Recruiting Separation Science in the UK

Simon England


Reflection on separation science in the Netherlands and the formation of TI-COAST

Peter Schoenmakers 







Melissa Hanna-Brown


Paul Ferguson

The Chromatographic Society and AstraZeneca

Andrew Pitt

Professor of Chemistry at The University of Manchester

Deirdre Cabooter

Professor at KU Leuven

Peter Schoenmakers

University of Amsterdam

John Langley

Head of Characterisation and Analytics,

Chemistry, University of Southampton

Simon England 

Principal Recruitment Consultant at VRS - Synthetic Organic Chemistry | Analytical Chemistry