What will you learn on this course?

This course provides the theory of gas chromatography (GC) and mass spectrometry (MS) essential to any participant, along with hands-on practical elements in the laboratory to practice and re-enforce the theoretical knowledge. These courses are 50% theory and 50% practical in a lab environment.

This course addresses gases and plumbing, sample introduction, analytical columns, GC detectors (FID and ECD), mass-spectrometry and data analysis. The knowledge is then used to create methods, perform injections and change parameters to see the effects. The course discusses the need for maintenance along with practicals to carry out maintenance on both a GC and a GC-MS system such as liquid autosampler, inlet, columns, FID/ECD and quadrupole MS including tuning and ion source cleaning. A day is spent on troubleshooting a GC or GC-MS instrument and learning what problems can occur, with real problem solving on the instruments and data analysis software.

This course combines the five individual hands-on days covering GC Theory and MethodsGC MaintenanceGC-MS Theory and MethodsGC-MS Maintenance and GC and GC-MS Troubleshooting.

FREE glossary on GC & GC-MS is provided with this course!

Learning outcomes

  • You will learn the importance of good chromatography
  • You will learn about the function & operation of the individual GC components
  • You will become familiar with the GC instrumentation
  • You will have practical experience of adjusting the parameters for each GC component
  • You will have practical experience of performing maintenance on each GC components
  • You will learn the principles of mass spectrometry
  • You will learn about the function & operation of the MS individual components
  • You will become familiar with the MS instrumentation
  • You will have practical experience of adjusting the parameters for each MS component
  • You will have practical experience of performing maintenance on each MS component
  • You will learn the strategies for GC & GC-MS instrument troubleshooting
  • You will have practical experience of GC & GC-MS instrument troubleshooting

Who is this course for?

This course is suitable for all levels of knowledge; however for complete beginners it is advisable to attend the 1-day Absolute Basics of GC & GC-MS first to get a good basic overview of gas chromatography and GC-MS.


Book Now: 5-day Hands-on GC & GC-MS | Anthias Consulting - Experts in Gas & Liquid Chromatography, Mass Spectrometry, ICP, Spectroscopy, Consulting & Training

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