This training course provides the essential and practical theory about all available GC & GC-MS techniques, covering how to select and use the GC carrier gas; sample introduction techniques; how to select a GC column, GC detector and mass selective detectors, how to undertake data analysis and different sample preparation techniques that can be used.

This is a modular course, topics include:

Module 1: Gas Chromatography and GC-MS Introduction
Module 2: Gases & Plumbing in GC & GC-MS
Module 3: Sample Introduction in GC & GC-MS
Module 4: GC Columns
Module 5: GC Detectors
Module 6: Mass Spectrometers in GC-MS
Module 7: Data Analysis for GC & GC-MS
Module 8: Sampling Techniques for GC & GC-MS

Delegates can choose to attend individual modules, or combine modules to suit their needs.

This course has been approved by the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) for purposes of Continuing Professional Development (CPD).

This course is taught live in a virtual classroom, is fully interactive with instrument parts and consumables shown and explained. Delegates can ask live questions; either by using their microphone or by typing into the Q&A or chat boxes.

Duration: 19.25 hours.
Scheduled course price: £760 + VAT per delegate.

CAMS members receive a discount of 20% for this course (membership number required) if booked at least 24 hours in advance.

To find out more and register, visit:

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