CAMS has launched its second call for Lectureships, PostDocs and PhDs, inviting responses to specific industry challenges aligned to the 4x CAMS themes:
- Point of use sensors and photonics
- Complex mixtures, separations and detection
- Data analytics
- Novel instrumentation or technique
Funding will be available for Lectureships, PostDocs and PhDs, noting that all bidders are expected to have secured co-funding that at least matches CAMS’s contribution (Lectureship - £200k, PostDoc - £100k and PhD - £30k, or euro equivalent).
Successful applicants (the individual) will automatically receive Awardee Membership to the CAMS Network, which includes involvement on MSI meetings and events. As an industry-led Community, applicants are expected to work closely with CAMS Industry members throughout the duration of the award.
See here for further details and information on how to apply.