cams (2)

Out of the lab and into the field: Rapid on-site Raman testing for food security
There is a fully funded PhD position available for a UK student with Roy Goodacre in the Centre for Metabolomics Research, University of Liverpool.

Project Description:
Major food adulteration and contamination events occur with alarming regularity and are known to be
episodic, with the question being not IF but WHEN another large-scale food safety/integrity incident will
occur. The challenges of maintaining food secu

10216578069?profile=RESIZE_710xCAMS is an industry-led initiative aimed at promoting world-class analytical measurement science training, research, and innovation by bringing together a network of industrial and academic partners with interests in these fields. Since the launch of CAMS in 2019, the network has attracted 37 members (15 industrial and 22 academic organisations) and to date has awarded/co-funded 2 analytical chairs, 7 lectureships, 6 postdocs, 5 PhDs across the UK and Ireland with its generous funding support fr