The State of Separation Science Event

The State of Separation Science Event


We are looking forward to welcoming the separation science community to our State of the Nation meeting next week at the RSC in London hosted by CAMS, The RSC Separation Science Group and the Chromatographic Society. This meeting won’t see plenary lecturers unveiling their new research advances but instead aims to strategically connect our separation science community and stakeholders so we can together, devise an advocacy pathway for underpinning future UK separation science funding, innovation and talent.  If you are interested and want to join in the conversation, there are online seats available for the workshop elements and you can register here. The summarized output from this meeting will be presented at SinS IN Cardiff 2023 where more feedback will be invited, after which the combined output will be consolidated in a UK State of the Nation white paper with recommendations for UKRI and professional scientific societies. We hope you will join in the conversation and help us secure a bright future for separation science.