Members Discussion Board

8194772894?profile=RESIZE_400xWelcome to the members' discussion board; a place for our website members to exchange Ideas, Scientific Research and News from within your organisations.

You need to be a member of CAMS-UK to add comments!


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  • 8256781463?profile=RESIZE_584xAnalytical Chemistry Summer Studentships

    Designed to provide undergraduate students with experience of research, whilst encouraging a career in analytical chemistry upon completing their degree, Analytical Chemistry Summer Studentships provide 6-8 weeks financial support for students undertaking a research project during the 2021 Summer vacation.

    Deadline for application: 17:00 12 February 2021

    Find out more information here.

    Summer Studentships funded by the Analytical Chemistry Trust Fund
  • 8194883460?profile=RESIZE_584xCAMS will shortly be launching its second call for Lectureships, PostDocs and PhDs, inviting responses to specific industry challenges aligned to the 4x CAMS themes:

    • Point of use sensors and photonics
    • Complex mixtures, separations and detection
    • Data analytics
    • Novel instrumentation or technique

    This call will be open and competitive, and is likely to go live W/C 07 Dec 2020. Funding will be available for Lectureships, PostDocs and PhDs, noting that all bidders are expected to have secured co-funding that at least matches CAMS’s contribution (Lectureship - £200k, PostDoc - £100k and PhD - £30k, or euro equivalent).

    Successful applicants (the individual) will automatically receive Awardee Membership to the CAMS Network, which includes involvement on MSI meetings and events. As an industry led Community, applicants are expected to work closely with CAMS Industry members throughout the duration of the award.

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