Secretariat's Articles (63)

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Welcome to the latest CAMS newsletter; as we approach the end of 2019 we would like to thank everyone for all their support and hard work.

Whilst the idea of CAMS and the discussions for its inception have been long in the making, this year saw a num


CAMS Fellowship Awards 2019

The CAMS fellowship awards for 2019 have been announced. The purpose of the award is to assist early career analytical chemists within 5 years of their first full-time junior academic appointment at a UK or Irish HEI to establish their own independent analytical science research identity. Congratulations to this year’s recipients:

  • Dr Alice Bowen, University of Manchester, Optical control of spin-labels for dipolar EPR of multi-spin systems.


  • Dr Zoe Hall, Imperial C


CAMS-UK Fellowships Closing date: 06 Sept 2019

The purpose of the CAMS-UK Fellowships (funded by the ACTF) is to assist early career analytical chemists within 5 years of their first, full-time, junior academic appointment at a UK or Irish HEI to establish their own independent analytical science research identity.  The Fellowships, which are valued at up to £30,000, may be used by Fellows in any way that advances the purpose of the Fellowship and of the ACTF.

All enquiries should be addressed

A lecture on Broadband Acoustic Resonance Dissolution (BARDS) by Dr Dara Fitzpatrick, Lecturer in Analytical Chemistry at University College Cork, Ireland.

We will be hosting a Q&A session with Dr Fitzpatrick at a later date.  To register your interest in this, please email the CAMS Secretariat:

The Department of Pure and Applied Chemistry at Strathclyde University launches a new post graduate distance learning MSc in Chemical Technology and Management.  This 3 year part-time course (starting in September 2019), is targetted to people already working in the chemical, process and pharmaceutical industries who have their sights set on advancement to senior engineer/management roles. 

More information cam be found at the following link:

We are pleased to announce the following have been awarded 2018 CAMS fellowships:  

Mercedes Vázquez, Dublin City University,

  • Coupling of mobile phone camera-based detection systems with microfluidic analytical platforms for on-site analysis of herbicides

Anna Regoutz, Imperial College London,

  • Advancing hard X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy

Anisha Wijeyesekera, University of Reading,

  • Novel analytical strategies for characterising the functionality of the microbiome

Robert Weatherup, The Un



Whether you're a large or a small company purchasing analytical instrumentation is a significant investment. This reference guide helps you understand the process of making informed decisions to ensure you have fit-for-purpose instrument with trained staff to deliver accurate and reliable data.


Over a period of 20 years a number of best practice guides were produced under the UK’s Valid Analytical Measurement programme (VAM).  In the coming months we will be making some of these available on the CAMS website as we start to position CAMS as a key point of reference for analytical measurement scientists.

The first two of these guidance documents – Guide to achieving reliable quantitative LC-MS measurements and Practical Laboratory Skills for Molecular Biologists - have been uploaded toda

Working in any kind of laboratory will require the analyst to possess a basic set of practical skills. Measuring mass or volume, and preparing solutions of known concentration, are likely to be everyday activities. In addition, working in a molecular biology laboratory will entail specific considerations related to the nature of the materials being handled.

This guide covers the basic laboratory skills and other measures required to produce valid results in a molecular biology laboratory − results that are not compromised by poor practical technique, possible cross-contamination or non-validated methodology.

This guide, prepared with the assistance of members of the AMC Mass Spectrometry Sub-Committee, brings together practical advice to assist LC-MS users avoid many common problems and to develop reliable, quantitative applications as quickly and cheaply as possible.  Achieving reliable quantitation by LC-MS depends not only on correct use of the instrumentation but also on correct development and use of the entire analytical method.  Extensive advice on aspects such as sample preparation and calibration strategies is included.  Experience shows that many errors in analytical data result not from lack of understanding of the measurement techniques but as a result of simple and avoidable mistakes during their application.   A brief overview of some common issues is also provided.